Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Quiver Township
Page 824

CONRAD HIMMEL, farmer and stock dealer; P. O. Topeka; son of Adam Himmel, whose genealogy is given in the sketch of his son, T. F. Himmel, which appears in this work; was born May 28, 1843, on a farm in Germany; when 3 years old, he came with his parents to Mason Co., III., and settled on the farm where his father now lives, and remained there until 1867, at which time he made his home on the present farm of 300 acres, about one-half of which he has made by his own labor and management, and by his improvements, has transformed into a farm which ranks among the very best. In 1867, he was married to Elizabeth Bishop, of Illinois, daughter of Henry Bishop, of Mason Co., Ill.; she was born in 1844; they began life together, on their new farm, which was but little improved, and by frugality, have made a happy home for their six children, five of whom are living:  Mary M., Evaline, Clara, Emmit B. and Lewis W.; one deceased, Conrad. Mr. Hirnmel united with the Evangelical Church at the ago of 14, in which he still continues; his wife is also a member. He has held the office of Church Trustee, and is now Steward, and has also been Superintendent of Sabbath school.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer